Bryan Turner, PhD
Senior Geoscientist

Dr. Bryan Turner is one of Earth Knowledge’s key experts on the planet’s subsurface. He helps guide our models and predictive analytics, incorporating information from the subsurface to atmospheric level. A brilliant integrated Earth systems thinker, Bryan is also instrumental in the development of our EK Indicators and the calculations of measurements.

Bryan is outstanding at collaboration, which is critical to understanding so many aspects of the Earth and the paradigms global experts research. He has given numerous talks across four continents, including conferences for the International Core Conference, SEPM Sedimentary Geology Society, the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the British Geological Survey, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the China University of Petroleum. 

Bryan is a DeGolyer Fellow, Bill K. and Doann Reed Fellow, CP Scholar, Oklahoma Geological Foundation Scholar, and American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Scholar.  He has received numerous awards, including the CSPG International Core Conference award for Best Student Core Presentation and the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Outstanding Student award.

Bryan earned his PhD in Geology from the University of Oklahoma for integrating geochemical proxies with sequence stratigraphic principles to construct high-resolution stratigraphic frameworks. This approach uses multivariate statistical techniques to sort geochemical datasets into self-similar clusters. He specializes in recognizing hierarchical cycles and interpreting these shifts at a variety of scales from local to regional/inter-basinal scales.